Thursday, December 2, 2010

{{ Too Much Coffee }}

Oh dear.... too much coffee...

So, I’m pretty JAZZED right now. I just got back from lunch with Sheldon David, one of the fabulous lawyers that I work with from McQuarrie Hunter, and my Dad, and I’m afraid I had TOO much coffee. 

We were having such a great time visiting and as time went on my coffee would get cold. No one likes cold coffee and the waitress knew that of course. So she would come over and fill'r up.  Before long, my legs began to twitch. Why am I so antsy all of the sudden? I paused, thought for a moment.....Oh no, I had three cups of coffee and I need to get out of this booth! You see, high strung/energetic people and coffee don’t mix too well. If you know me or have met me then you will know EXACTLY what I am talking about.  Let’s just say there is a reason for me ordering decaf when we have our next meeting.  I’m a pretty peppy gal as it is but on coffee..... oh dear. What shall I do with this energy I have right now? What better way to spend the next hour and half of a caffeine high then to come up some new ideas?! 

So.... I picked up the phone and called Lisa to share some new ideas for our next marketing campaign for us to get started on.  I am an “ideas” girl and a visionary. So on average I typically have about 2 to 3 new ideas a day.  But when caffeine and I collide the usual day of about 2 to 3 new ideas becomes more like 3-6.  Poor Lisa. She has to deal with my shenanigans on a DAILY basis. 

My husband has to deal with mee too but I look at it as I’m adding some excitement to his world and keeping life interesting. *smile*  To be honest, sometimes this is a struggle for me because I would love to do almost every idea I come up with, but, I have to continually keep focused on a few key things so that I can actually accomplish something.  As a kid I would dream all day long.  There still is that side to me but I’m not dreaming about being on the Fred Penner show or flying like Mary Poppins with her umbrella.  Although that would be cool I think I have grown out of that stage.  I dream about life or travel, family or justice work, what we could do with the “Dusty shoes Foundation” and of course.... business. That's one thing about business...the opportunities are endless! It allows me to express some many areas of my heart and who I am.  In a nutshell, I really just want to make a difference while I’m here on this place called earth.

Well... the coffee is starting to wear off a bit. The twitch has become a bit more controlled now so I’m going to work on processing some recent sales and put up some sold stickers.

Lacey Forward

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